
The wonder years- Naruto20p3

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Disclosure: I do not OWN Naruto or any of his friends but I sure do make up weird things for em to do and say.

Warning: Cussing, fighting and pure DRAMA!


Sometimes they fall apart pt. 3


"Trust me. I'm really sorry I said anything to beg with. I honestly didn't think it would cause that much of a fuss." Neji said to Naruto as the two walked the halls of school side by side.

"It's not your fault. Sasuke is over it. I told him you and I are just friends and that's that." Naruto stated feeling like he'd won that battle. He had no idea of the upcoming war.

DAMN... Neji seethed inwardly. He hoped the end result would have been a break up. "Glad to hear. I was worried for a moment."

"Dude me and you are tight no worries." Naruto said tapping Neji's arm. "I gotta wiz then class. If you see Kiba, tell em I'm in here. We still on for the movies this weekend right?" The blonde asked pushing the restroom door open.

"Absolutely." Neji smiled.

"Solid." Naruto said before he bounced into the bathroom. "Up you go..." He said to his zipper when he heard the stall behind him open and close. He failed to realize anyone else was in the bathroom when he first entered but he paid it no mind stepping over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Uzumaki?" A voice asked from behind.

Naruto shook his hands free of water and turned. There were two of them. He didn't like where this was headed. "Yeah?"

"We need to talk to you." Sasori the smaller of the two spoke up.

Naruto took a second to consider the possibilities. He gazed over the two older boys that stood opposite him. He wondered what Kabuto wanted now. What else would these creeps be talking to him about? "And?" Naruto asked in a 'so what' fashion.

"Our boss says for you to keep away from Uchiha..." Zabuza the masked man said as he oozed intimidation through his face wrap.

Naruto contorted his face. "Kabuto said that?" He asked to be sure of what he was hearing.

Sasori looked to Zabuza. He figured Sasuke really did keep this kid in the dark.

"Orochimaru-sama." Zabuza said slowly as if talking about some demigod.

Naruto held off at the mention of this name. Orochimaru... It echoed in his head. Why the hell was he sending messages to back off Sasuke? He had nothing to do with Sasuke's company, it didn't make sense. Something wasn't right...

"Do we understand each other?" Sasori asked seeing the confusion written on Naruto's face.

"And what if I don't agree?" Naruto shot back. He didn't really like to be told what to do.

Sasori silently studied the younger male across from him. He could see Naruto didn't fully get it.

"Then you get hurt. In more ways than one." Zabuza stated frankly.

"What the hell does it matter to him anyway? I'm mean, what's his problem?" Naruto questioned getting upset. He didn't understand what any of this meant. "I don't have anything to do with Sasuke's business stuff."

Zabuza laughed.

Sasori had heard enough. "You really don't know do you?" He asked with a bone straight face.

"What's the damn joke?" Naruto asked not seeing anything humorous about the situation.

Sasori looked at Zabuza ending his chuckle. "Your boyfriend's obviously been leading a double life. One you know nothing about."

Naruto lowered his eyes.

"I don't think he ever intended for you to find out he's been screwing Orochimaru. This is the only business he has going on with him. It's been that way for years." Sasori said in a matter-of-factual manner. He wasn't one to sugar coat. Sasori stared directly into Naruto's soul with his copper colored eyes not displaying one ounce of emotion. That's why Orochimaru wanted him to tell Naruto. He knew the impassive boy would get right to the point.

Naruto's tanned glow faded to pale in a matter of seconds. "W-what?" He stammered as he felt his chest tighten.

"Don't you get it yet? You're not the only one he's fucking." Sasori paused as tears welded up in Naruto's eyes. "So now you know. Feel free to run this by Sasuke himself if you don't believe us. I'm sure he'll confirm." Sasori said arrogantly as he literally watched Naruto's heartbreak. "I'm pretty hungry. Let's go, Zabuza." He said cutting his eyes at the taller figure.

Zabuza exited the restroom first with Sasori close behind. The bad news boy spared one last glance over his shoulder as he passed through the doors.

Naruto stood alone. He felt like he'd been punched in the chest. Everything made sense now as dozens of instances began to reoccur to him. The late nights. The missed calls. The disappearances. Moments moved by like decades as he remained rooted to his spot. He felt betrayed. How stupid was he?

"Yo, yo, yo! Neji said you might be in here. You droppin a deuce or something? I'm waiting for you and you're playin with yourself in the bath-" Kiba stopped his sentence as he saw Naruto standing in a pile of tears. "Naruto are you ok? What happened?" He asked quickly changing his tune. The brown haired boy walked up to the blonde and gripped his arm as he examined his face closely.

"Sasuke..." Naruto sobbed.

"What? Did he do something to you?" Kiba questioned ready to kick ass if necessary.

"He-" Naruto stopped.

"What? Did he hurt you?" Kiba inquired.

"Everything he said was a lie. He told me it was just business…how could he be sleeping with someone else?" Naruto questioned as he was still trying to figure things out himself.

Kiba almost choked on the spot. He imagined Sasuke had finally come clean. "Oh man, Naruto…"

"I didn't want to jump to conclusions after what Jugo said...I wanted to trust him." Naruto looked up and caught Kiba's expression. It had changed from worry to guilt. "Sasori said-"

"Wait, Sasori?" Kiba repeated.

"Yea, him and Zabuza they were in here to pass me a message from Orochimaru." Naurto recapped.

"You mean to tell me after last night Sasuke didn't tell you himself? What a prick." Kiba shook his head. Uh oh...

Naruto stared at Kiba for a moment before forming words."Tell me himself?" He questioned. "You knew?"

Kiba took a deep breath. He looked to the side as he tried to figure a way out of this. "Naruto-"

The blonde took a step back.

"Wait-" Kiba said.

By now it was too late; Naruto had already read it on his face. The blonde smiled lightly before averting his eyes that were pink with moisture. "Some friend huh?" He stated before moving. He needed to get far far away.


Kiba ran his hands through his hair as he frantically racked his brain. "SASUKE!" Kiba belted out as he flew through the halls of the third floor.

"WHAT?" Sasuke yelled back. He hated being shouted out. "What are you doing up here idiot? This is the third floor you know." He stated with a smirk knowing that Kiba could get fly kicked down the stairs behind them at any moment by a senior.

"Dude fuck that! You need to go talk to him right now!" Kiba huffed as he was out of breath. He was tired from running all over the school looking for Naruto only to come up with nothing.

"Talk to who? What are you talking about?" Sasuke nonchalantly placed his notebook in the locker before shutting it.

"I'm talking about Naruto douche! He fuckin knows everything and now he's pissed with me too!" Kiba said finally drawing Sasuke's full attention.

Sasuke grabbed the boy by the shirt and pulled him into the stairwell. "Naruto knows what exactly?"

"What the hell do you think? Orochimaru!" Kiba blurted out. He was surprised at how dumb gifted and talented Sasuke could be at times.

"Who told him?" He asked sharpening his eyes.

"It's your fault, you should have said something Sasuke. I told you to tell him from jump, I said that shit!" Kiba continued to rage.

Sasuke balled his fist. "Where is he?"

"I think he left. I can't find him anywhere." Kiba said following right behind the raven as he jogged down the stairs.

Sasuke hit the 2nd floor hall and paused momentarily as he saw Kabuto, Sasori and Zabuza standing in a cluster. The teens stopped talking and focused in on Sasuke. At that moment he knew.

Knock knock knockkk!

The Sasuke pounded heavily on the door as Naruto continued to ignore it. "NARUTO!" Sasuke yelled for the 10th time.

He could clearly hear his name being called. Naruto buried his head deeper into his pillow. He felt sick to his stomach. To think, he thought those people were his friends only to find out the joke was on him, yet again. He was sure Kiba and all the others were in on it laughing and making fun of him for being a gullible fool. Why else would they stand idly by and watch him get hurt? It just wasn't fair.

"Naruto! Please open the door." Sasuke called out as he continued to bang. "I want to explain things to you."

It never ceased to amaze him, just how he managed to get himself in these situations.


"Hey kid..." Jiraiya said as he took a seat on the bed next to a sleeping blonde.

Naruto blinked hard. He straightened his contorted body in the bed and looked over at Jiraiya.

"Are you gonna eat something?" The white haired man asked as he noted the time. It was 8:30pm and Naruto had been in bed since 1 when he came storming into the house early from school.

Rolling over to face the wall Naruto nuzzled the covers up to his neck line. He was exhausted from tears and anger.

"I guess that's a no. Well just in case, I ordered Ramen House. It's up stairs if you'd like to have some with me." Jiraiya offered looking over his shoulder at the back of Naruto's head.

Naruto stared forward unable to speak a word. He closed his eyes just as he felt a tear escape his lid.

Exhaling strongly Jiraiya stood. "I'll be in the study, in case you need me." He pretty much figured out what was going on when he heard Sasuke beating down the door. When he was ready, Naruto would talk.

Naruto listened as he heard the big man walk up the stairs and shut the basement door. He sniffled as his heart exuded pains he thought he'd never recover from. He felt broken. This wasn't just the same old anger he had from being pushed to the side most his life. This was different. It was worst. He'd been wondering all afternoon; how come this hurt so much?

Wednesday morning

"Dammit..." Kiba cursed as he stood at the end of the hallway and noticed Gaara standing next to Naruto's otherwise vacant locker.


"I guess he really isn't coming." Shikamaru said as he lifted himself off the wall.

"Maybe he's just late." Shino added.

"No. He's not coming. This is all Sasuke's fault." Kiba said bitterly as he blew smoke through his nose.

The crew stood in the hall between mid morning classes.

"Are you trying to get suspended?" Shikamaru asked Kiba who then took one last pull and put out his cig. "Now, did he return anyone's call last night?" Asked Shikamaru who had gotten the voice mail on the last couple attempts he made.

No one spoke up.

"Jeez." He said as the next bell rang. "And what about Sasuke?"

"Who the fuck cares." Kiba stated frankly before moving along.

Back in bed

Naruto rolled over and cracked one eye open. The clock appeared to say 12:57 in the afternoon. He pulled the cover back over his head and attempted to forget his life. He ached inside as he thought about going away. Maybe Konoha was NOT the place he thought it was.

Knock knock knock knock

A lethargic blonde sat up in bed and gazed at the door. Sasuke was still at it. He had been there since yesterday knocking and pleading at the door which was getting him nowhere quick.

"Naruto?" The sullen voice called from the other side.

Naruto rolled out of bed. He now crept toward the door.

"I know you can hear me. Open the door. Give me a chance to explain. I'm sorry things got this far…" Sasuke said through the wooden plank that separated them by 2 inches.

Naruto watched the knob. He extended his hand. He was seconds away from opening. He wanted nothing more than to let Sasuke in and cry on his shoulder. He had shared so much of himself with this boy and to think he was just being played was more than he could handle right now.

"Please..." The voice sounded desperate.

Naruto snatched his hand back. He resented the fact that he defended his boyfriend against everyone and their vile opinions of him, and this was the thanks he got. He was obviously wrong for having done so. Sasuke was every bit of the narcissistic snob he was made out to be.

"I need you to trust me, please Naruto. I'll explain everything to you. I understand you're upset least answer your phone." Sasuke begged.

With a stiff jaw, Naruto walked off. He climbed back into bed, popped in his ear buds and put his ipod on shuffle and that's where he stayed. His mind was made up.


"If you're looking for Naruto, he called out." Sai said to Kiba who just happened into the shop that afternoon.

Kiba threw his hands behind his head in frustration. "I knew that!" He said rudely. He didn't want to let Sai in on anything so he decided to play it cool.

Sai watched Kiba as he erratically moved about the store.

"Uhm, I guess I'll just take this water." Kiba said with a huff as he grabbed a bottle from the freezer.

Sai quietly took the bottle and scanned it. There was no way that Kiba had taken a bus downtown, well out of his way, to come get a bottle of spring water. He reached for Kiba's money and converted the bill to change before handing it back.

Kiba nodded and began towards the door.

"Is Naruto ok?" Sai asked expecting to get his head chewed off by the loud mouthed teenager.

Kiba stopped and really thought about that question. "I hope so," he said pushing the door open and taking off.

That night

"He's been in the bed since yesterday. I don't even think he's eaten." Jiraiya said to Tsunade over the phone.

"I see. Well Shizune marked him as sick for the day. Maybe he'll feel better in the morning." The large breasted female said to an old dear friend.

"Thanks Tsunade. I really appreciate it."

She smiled. "Hhm, Sasuke's still out there eh?" She questioned.

"He was. He left about 15 minutes ago. I think he slept out in his car last night. Naruto still refuses to see him." Jiraiya commented.

"He's breaking the agreement I had with him about skipping..." Tsunade confirmed. Because she knew the circumstances, she couldn't find it in her heart to expel him. She saw the change he had made since knowing Naruto. Something she hoped to continue seeing.

"Expulsion is a pretty serious risk at this point for him huh…" Jiraiya observed knowing just how great the risk was for Sasuke. "His whole fortune."

Tsunade was quiet. "I wonder what he did..."

Across town

"He's not answering." Karin said to her two band mates as they anticipated a fourth.

"Hum, things sure got back to normal in a hurry didn't they." Suigetsu issued as he played with the stings on his base.

"Keep it to yourself fish sticks. Sasuke promised us things would be different now." Karin fired off in defense of what she considered a friend.

"Hahah, and you believed that? You really are as dumb as you look Karin." Suigetsu shot back without looking up.

"Just stop you two. Maybe something happened..." Jugo interjected stepping over to the flats window.

"Yea, he got drunk, that's what happened." Suigetsu said under his breath.

"It's getting really late." Karin commented while shaking her head. Just like old times... She thought reluctantly in agreement with Suigetsu.

"Oi, everyone. Sorry I'm late." Sasuke said coming through the door with his Gibson strapped to his back.

"Sa-su-ke..." Karin breathed as she thought she was seeing things.

Suigetsu looked up to confirm. "Hhm." He greeted the dark heir as they all fell into place.

"Sasuke, is everything ok?" Jugo asked standing over the younger male.

Sasuke bit his tongue. He wanted to tell anyone that would listen. But how could he without people thinking he was a monster. "Yeah, everything is fine. I just got caught up." He said plugging in his amp.

"O,ok." Jugo smiled taking a seat behind his drum. "What shall we play first?"


"Check it! Let's run away, let's run away, let's never never come back...let's get away, let's get away, to where they'd never find us...I want a break, we need a break...just the twooo of us-" Karin sang before hearing the base stop all together.

Jugo stopped drumming.

"Sasuke, you're off." Suigetsu called the raven out.

Karin had heard it too. She looked over at Suigetsu then Sasuke thinking this was a fight in the making.

Sasuke stood by and mindlessly rubbed his fingers over the chord.

Karin spoke up. "Sasuke?"

The raven looked up as if just realizing where he was. "Huh?"

Karin raised her brow; he was so out of it.

"I said, you're off." Suigetsu reiterated. He waited to get reamed out.

Sasuke said looking down. "Let's go again." He stated waiting for Jugo's count.


"Bye guys." Karin said getting into her car.

"See ya." Suigetsu said hopping in the passenger seat. His car was out for the count and it was either ride with her or walk.

"Ok then. Saturday." Jugo said as the car cranked up.

Sasuke stood nearby. He didn't speak.

Jugo waited for the car to move away before addressing the raven. "Sasuke are you sure everything is ok?"

Sasuke breathed deeply as he shook his head. "I messed up." He admitted aloud.

"I'm sure you'll find that everything works out in the end." Jugo suggested figuring this issue was Naruto related.

"Maybe it's not that easy." Sasuke commented remembering the last two days he'd spent outside of Naruto's door.

Jugo watched the heir's features. Sasuke was NOT himself. "Did you try apologizing?"

"He won't even talk to me." Sasuke confessed.

Jugo chose his next words carefully. He knew the type of person Sasuke was. Being out of control of any situation rendered the raven helpless; a feeling that was toxic for any recovering addict. "There's a saying, 'time heals all wounds'. Maybe not today or tomorrow but give him some time..."

Sasuke twisted the button on his jacket. He hated this feeling.


Sasuke pulled up in front of Naruto's house and shut the car off. He ran his hand through his bangs and sighed. This was his fault after all. He understood why Naruto was mad. All he wanted was a few minutes to explain. He'd made the wrong decisions thinking that keeping Naruto in the dark was safer. This definitely was not the first time his actions had ruined a relationship for him but he hoped this time would turn out differently. He was so attached to Naruto, from the first time he saw him he wanted him. That's why he'd been so careful in the beginning. That's why he waited and took his time. He wanted to make sure he did things right for a change but somehow they'd gone horribly wrong. He looked over at the dim house. He was not going to lose Naruto this easily.

Thursday afternoon

Naruto sat in the living room and gazed at the television. He was tired of sleeping. He'd been asleep for the better part of the last 48 hours.

"Brunch?" Asked Pervy as he entered the room with some sort of pancake looking things.

"You cooked?" Naruto spoke for the first time in days.

"That I did. I figured if you dragged yourself outta bed long enough the least I could do is make you something." The white haired man said extending a plate.

Naruto took the food. He smiled. He felt bad about how bratty he'd been to Pervy. "I'm real sorry for being all melodramatic..."

"Hey, don't mention it." Jiraiya said standing by a nearby recliner. "I'll go get some more syrup."

Back at Konoha high

It killed Neji to do this. But he was really growing concerned by now. He wanted to know what was going on with Naruto. He hadn't been in school in two days and he wasn't answering his phone or returning any calls. Something was definitely wrong. "Kiba, can I speak to you for a moment."

"What is it?" The brown locked boy asked crankily.

"I haven't seen or heard anything from Naruto. I was wondering if everything was ok with him." Neji questioned wondering what Kiba's sore mood was all about.

Kiba growled. "What does it matter to you?"

Neji stood quiet. Obviously something was amiss. Naruto wasn't in school and Sasuke was also suspiciously absent; coincident? "Look, I just want to make sure he's alright. But never mind." He replied deciding to handle this on his own.

Kiba watched as Neji turned. "Well he ain't speakin to me so when you talk to em lemme know." Kiba said grouchily before he went on his own way.

Neji put on his thinking cap. Opportunity was knocking at his door. All he needed to do was open it.

Across town

"Naruto." Sai spoke as if he'd seen a ghost. "I thought you might be out again today."

"Nope. I'm here." Naruto said putting on a brave face.

"Are you feeling better?" Sai asked.

"Yea, I was just really under the weather is all." Naruto lied.

"O ok." Sai said going back to his doodles.

The shop was silent besides the dish washer in the back that clanked every 10 mins. Naruto wondered if it was such a good idea to come in. He felt like he should have played 'sick' a lil while longer. Gamakichi told him to take however long he needed cause the last thing he wanted was a coffee shop that infected its customers.

"You missed it. It was way busy in here the last couple days." Sai said breaking the ice.

Naruto knew that was Sai making a joke. "Really? You mean you actually had to get up off the stool and do some work around here huh?" Naruto laughed as he imagined Sai over run with customers.

"It was dreadful." The dark haired boy said.

Naruto stood behind the counter and smiled. This was the best he felt since Tuesday. He couldn't believe how stupid Sasuke had made him feel but he knew he couldn't stay in bed for the rest of his life. He thanked Kami it was break time. That'd give him the next two weeks to figure out a plan of action before the last semester began. Still the thought of facing Sasuke daily was going him palpitations. He silently plotted about going back to the orphanage; hell anything was better than Konoha high at this point.

"So did you get that 'perfect outfit' for the dance you were talking about?" Sai asked knowing how excited Naruto had been.

The dance... Naruto recited in his head. "Yea, I'm not going anymore actually."

That was a big shock. "Why the sudden change of heart?" Sai inquired cautiously. Something was off.

Naruto picked up a bar cloth and began to wipe at the counter top feverishly, even though there was nothing there. He was trying to come up with a good excuse when the bell connected to the door jingled. Naruto looked up and caught a glimpse of brown spikes just before rolling his eyes.

"Dude you have to listen to me." Kiba shouted upon seeing Naruto making a mad dash for the back.

Sai watched in silence. Maybe he could figure this thing out.

"There's nothing you can say. You're a liar and that's that." Naruto growled as he reached the curtain.

Kiba stood still before glancing over at Sai then back at the doorway. "Look can I talk to you in private? I need to tell you what happened." Kiba said hoping he wasn't making himself look like a knob for no good reason.

"I don't want to talk to you." Naruto called to the other boy. He leaned against the wall to gather his thoughts. Right now his plan was to ignore Kiba till he went away.

"Naruto, please?" Kiba begged. "I'm not leaving."

Naruto closed his eyes. Kiba had been calling him for days now…

"I swear to Kami dude, just gimme two minutes and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want...I promise." Kiba stated. He didn't even care about Sai being there right now. All he wanted was his friend back. He had to tell Naruto how the whole went down.

Naruto thought about the fact that Kiba was the first person to actually acknowledge him in a new setting. He was sure he was going to be ridiculed or badgered just like at the other schools. Thanks to Kiba he found a fit. For the first time he found what he thought were true friends. For that reason alone, Naruto decided to listen to what the boy had to say. Naruto waited for a second, he took a deep breath and walked out in the open cafe. He headed straight for the shop door, Kiba followed close behind.

Standing outside, Naruto leaned against the shop window and gave Kiba the go ahead face.

"It was not deliberate. I wish I had never even known because this shits been driving me crazy..." He began. "I know it was messed up that I didn't say anything but I swear, on my life I'm sorry about it."

Naruto didn't forgive that easily. "That's not good enough."

"Sasuke told me he was handling it." Kiba confessed. "I know that's not an excuse but I thought it'd be better for him to tell you..."

Naruto listened closely.

"Seriously. I had no idea what was going on till like a couple weeks ago. I thought it was over a long time ago." Kiba said straight faced. "He kept it from all of us."

Naruto shook his head. Who to trust?

"Tell me you believe me." Kiba insisted after pouring his heart out.

"You should have said something..." Naruto spoke up.

"I know that now. And all I can do is apologize. I feel like such an ass." Kiba admitted.

Naruto dug deep.

"Whadaya say?" Kiba asked hopefully.

"I'll see you around." Naruto scoffed as he went for the door.

"I don't want you to hate me!" Kiba extended his hand.

An unsure blonde descended back into the café without a word.

Naruto took a seat behind the counter. He didn't know what to do. He wished he'd stayed in bed.

Sai looked towards the door to make sure Kiba wasn't coming back in. "Are you sure you're ok?" He posed.

"I'm not." Naruto confessed with a nervous smile. "He thinks I hate him."

Sai shifted his eyes. "Do you?"

"I don't know. I mean, no." Naruto shrugged.

"Is it Sasuke?" Sai questioned making sure to look directly at Naruto for signs of lies.

Naruto nodded. "You don't have to pretend anymore. I know you two were together."

Sai's held his breath. How long did he know this without saying anything? Was Sasuke the one that told him? Sai chuckled for lack of better sense. "That was a long time ago." Sai exaggerated.

"Who was the guy Sasuke was seeing while he was dating you and Sakura?" Naruto asked up front. He didn't want any more surprises.

Sai looked away. "So Orochimaru is still in the picture I take it?"

Naruto bit his bottom lip with regret. Maybe he wasn't ready to hear this after all.

"Sasuke will always choose him." Sai spoke from experience.

Naruto jumped up. He couldn't take anymore. "I have to go-"

Sai didn't try to stop him. He understood the feeling. There was nothing anyone could say that would curb the hurt.

Naruto didn't rush straight home. He thought Sasuke would be there. Instead he went to the movie theater and bought a ticket to a tragic love story.


Sai exhaled deeply as he watched the clock. It really was murder for him sitting there alone without Naruto to liven things up. But at least he had his canvas with him today. He'd been working on a new piece for school and it was nearing completion.

Ching, ching

The bell chimed causing the sole coffee shop boy to look up. Sai was at a loss for words. He peered into the face of the person that approached the counter.

"Is Naruto still here?" Sasuke asked with a reasonable amount of base to his voice.

Sai shook his head. "No." He said simply.

Sasuke looked to the side. He had heard from Shikamaru that Naruto did in fact go to work that day. Sasuke was mad at himself for not being there when Naruto left the house. He had gone to the office where Ibiki had some documents for him to look over and sign. "Fine." He said going to leave.

"Sasuke!" Sai said much louder than he intended to causing the raven haired teen to turn and face him again.

Sasuke stood silent. He was only there for one reason.

"I..." Sai began.

"This isn't the time." Sasuke shot down his dreams immediately.

"Don't you feel anything at all?" Sai asked feeling his heart rate increase. This was exactly what he wanted NOT to happen. He felt vulnerable all over again; it radiated from his core. Being in such close proximity with the love of his life made Sai want to do strange things. Probably anything Sasuke asked.

Sasuke however was in no mood for these 'see and say' games. Without words he moved for the door. He had to find Naruto. Nothing else mattered at that moment.

"Orochimaru?" Sai asked resorting to low blows. "You're still under his control?"

"Who told you that?" Sasuke asked angrily.

"Who do you think? He knows all about us as well."

"Hn. I can see how." Sasuke shot back.

"I wasn't the one that told him any of this if that's what you're insinuating." Sai denied.

Sasuke shut his eyes hard. That was just another problem added to his growing list.

"You cheated on him the same way you cheated on me." Sai stated.

"Stop playing victim, you knew about everything." Sasuke retorted just as Sai gripped his arm. Sasuke looked into eyes as equally dark as his own and wondered when it was that Sai had gotten that close to him. Slowly another pair of lips were matched to his own. "What are you doing?" Sasuke asked pushing back his ex.

"Is it that you can't or that you won't?" Sai asked as reality hit hard.

Sasuke didn't respond. He backed away and exited without so much as another word.

Sai had just reminded himself of a very tough fact; he never stopped loving Sasuke.


Naruto placed a few dollars in the cab drivers hand as he pulled up in front of his house. "Thanks." He said hopping out the back seat. Naruto breathed deeply as he walked towards the basement door.

Naruto checked and double checked behind himself. Sasuke must have gotten the clue... He thought as he stuck the key in the lock. Before actually turning the knob Naruto turned and faced the street. No Uchiha in sight. He didn't know how he felt about that. One part of him was saying good, the other was crying out for the raven.

At Ibiki's house

"It was left near the front desk of the office downtown shortly after you left today. The guards don't recall seeing anyone out of the ordinary around the premises and the cameras didn't pick up anything. Once the next crew returned from making rounds they noticed it." Ibiki spoke as Sasuke gazed at the very first guitar he'd ever played on; Itachi's Gibson 1958 Korina Explorer.

It couldn't be. Sasuke flipped the guitar over and confirmed the notches Itachi had carved into the neck of the wooden piece to show Sasuke exactly where to put his hands.

"I assume it has some sort of meaning?" Ibiki said as he was having trouble putting the puzzle together.

"I have to go..." Sasuke said as he hastily made his way out of the front door.


Neji looked at his watch and then out the window at Naruto's home. It seemed normal enough. He wondered what he was going to find inside. Naruto was still not returning any calls. Neji wanted to cash in, but he also wanted to make sure Naruto was well.

Knock knock knock

Naruto stopped moving, and listened closely. He was still dripping wet from the shower when he popped his head out the bathroom door. The knock sounded again. He assumed Sasuke wasn't done making him miserable yet. This time he was about to get told off.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?" Naruto barked as he swung the door open full force.

Neji was taken aback. He was sure that was meant for him.

"Ohhh Neji, damn I'm sorry, I thought you were-" Naruto started.

"It's, it's ok. I can come back another time." The boy with chestnut tresses concluded.

"No it's ok, I was just getting dressed. Uhmm, come in." Naruto said moving to the side. Naruto glanced over the area in search of a black Mercedes or a motorcycle. Nothing. "Again, I'm sorry about that." He said shutting the door.

"It's quite alright. I just came by to check on you." Neji said looking at the shirtless blonde trying every way he could to not stare. "You were out. I was worried." He pieced together random words to try and form full sentences.

"Worried?" Naruto cracked a grin as he headed for the bathroom.

"Yes, I've been calling but no answer. I even asked Kiba but that was pointless." Neji concluded. "I wanted to see for myself you were…"

Naruto pulled on some sweats and came out the bathroom. "Neji thank you. You're a real friend." Naruto nodded as he took a seat on the bed. Neji was real alright, he didn't lie or keep secrets.

Neji walked over near him. "Is there something you want to talk about perhaps?" Neji asked taking a seat right beside the blonde.

Naruto was very hesitant. How the hell was he supposed to explain what happened? Naruto felt idiotic. "I..."

Neji saw that Naruto was not himself. "Or not, I mean whenever you're ready. I'm here. We don't have to do this now."

Naruto looked at Neji. He was right. He was there. And he'd been there since the beginning too.

"So tonight's the night. Do you have your things picked out already?" Neji asked wholeheartedly.

"Picked out?" Naruto asked.

"For the dance..." Neji probed.

"Ohhh yeah," Naruto said sighed. "I'm not going." He'd spent all day trying to forget about the stupid dance.

"What do you mean? I listened to you talk about it for most of the semester. Why aren't you going?" Neji said playing possum.

"I'm just not in the mood." Naruto said shaking his head. He didn't want to face the others yet.

"Naruto, are you sure about this? It's something that you've had your heart set on." Neji countered.

"I just can't." Naruto protested.

Neji was quiet for a second. "How bout if I come with you?"

Naruto looked at Neji as if he were growing another head. "You don't like dances."

"For a true friend I'll do anything." Neji said with a smile. "Besides you already bought a $35 ticket right? Might as well put it thing to use."

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck. After days of mopping, all it took Neji was 10 minutes to have him feeling good again.

"Deal?" Asked the light eyed boy extending his hand.

Naruto reached out and took it. "Deal."

Across town

Sasuke breathed deeply as he balled a fist and watched blood stream down his arm and drip onto the bathroom floor. He placed the blade in hand on the brim of the sink and reached for his bottle of Patron. Instead of his heart hurting, his arm did. Sasuke sat down, resting his back against the cold porcelain tub. He tried to remind his self that he was in control.

Later that night at the dance

Naruto and Neji stood near the school gym where the dance had already begun.

"Sorry about being late." Naruto said. He had kept Neji waiting on the couch for almost 40 minutes while he walked back and forth pretending to get dressed all the while thinking of excuses for not going.

"It's ok. I told you we'll do this together. I just want you to have fun despite whatever it is you're going through." Neji said as they stepped closer and closer to Naruto's long awaited school dance.

Naruto pressed his lips together as the ball of nerves in his stomach bounced around. He walked into the gym only to see it transformed into a springtime celebration. It was as beautiful as the ones he saw on tv. Kids in nice clothes, balloons strode all about, banners draped from wall to wall, flowers on the tables and pedals spread across the floor. It was really nice. Before he knew it, he had a smile on his face.

"So far so good." Neji said as the two moved along the wall.

Neither teen wanted to attract any attention so the duo laid pretty low at first talking amongst each other near the back of the gym. An hour went by without a hitch and Naruto had almost forgotten all about his problem.

"That is why I don't dance. Now if you insist that I try again, I have to warn you-" Neji said with a shrug. There were some things even he wasn't good at.

"Bwhahahaha!" Naruto laughed so hard he had a tear rolling down his cheek. "No, no, Neji don't." He continued as he plopped down into his chair holding his gut.

Neji smiled. He didn't mind a little embarrassment for a good cause. "Are you thirsty?"

"Ahhhh, yeah." Naruto said wiping his eye. "Neji here you relax, I'll go get it." Naruto said standing.

"Nope, you stay and I'll be right back. Remember I asked you to come with me so you stay put." Neji said placing his hands on Naruto's shoulders. "Be right back."


"Man, this blows." Kiba complained sourly.

"What now?" Shikamaru asked. Kiba had been doing nothing but complaining since 8am that morning.

"I wanna freakin leave." He responded.

"Well you can't. You actually have a date." Shika reminded. "And besides you dragged me here so you damn sure don't get off that easily."

"This was a huge mistake. I should have just canceled with Ino. I'm sure she wouldn't have cared much anyways." Kiba sulked as he watched the girl run her mouth to Sakura and Ten-ten as though she hadn't seen them all damn day.

"Cheer up, Kiba. Naruto is here." Choji said as if the blonde actually was speaking to him.

"What?" Kiba looked around excitedly. He jumped up off the wall then peered into the crowded dance floor. "Where? Did he see us? Which way did he go?" Kiba asked perking up a bit. He hadn't spoken to Naruto since the coffee shop incident. He wanted to give Naruto his space. He hoped things would turn out positive. Even though they were relatively new friends, they were best friends.

"He's over there with Neji." Choji said sipping on some punch. "I think they came together."

Kiba laid eyes on the two and became immediately enraged. "I'll be back."

"Don't go over there." Shikamaru warned grabbing the teens arm.

Are you shitting me? He's our friend! He's supposed to be here with us! Not that fag Neji!" Kiba shouted as he boiled on the inside.

"Look, if you make a scene, he'll never wanna hang with us again. Best thing to do is let him be. Naruto's a big boy he can make decisions on his own, you can't force him to be your friend Kiba." Shikamaru explained.

"Shikamaru is right." Shino concurred.

Kiba squinted his eyes as he watched the blonde and the brunette. He was furious. He knew this was Neji taking advantage of Naruto's situation. He was always waiting for just the right moment.

"Oh hey, there's Sasuke." Choji pointed out.


Naruto reached up and rubbed his neck with his left hand. He was having much needed fun. Neji had done a damn good job of talking him into this. He did have a point, why let Sasuke ruin the night for him? Besides Sasuke wouldn't be caught dead at this dance anyway so Naruto knew he had nothing to fear.

"Naruto..." A husky voice said approaching.

"Sasuke?" Naruto mouthed lowly. His eyes darted over the vision before him. He blinked twice. Sasuke was even dressed up. He had on a dark pair of slacks with a crisp white stripped long sleeve shirt paired with a buttoned vest and a bold print tie. He had also taken the time to slick his hair back. Naruto blushed at how handsome he was.

"I bought a ticket to surprise you, a while ago." Sasuke carefully chose his words.

Naruto just looked on quietly changing his attitude from lust to annoyance. No matter how good Sasuke looked, he was still a cheating asshole. Naruto got up and followed the wall to dimly lit corner.

"Jiraiya said you'd left already. I figured you'd be here." He said stopping right in front of the blonde. "Can I talk to you outside?" Sasuke asked extending his right hand.

Naruto backed up a bit. "No Sasuke."

"Just to talk." Sasuke inched closer.

"I don't want to talk right now." Naruto responded.

"Then when? Look, I know you're upset but you can't keep doing this to me." Uchiha said in a self concerned manner.

"Doing this to you? Sasuke, you're the one at fault here." Naruto scoffed.

"Let me explain then-" The dark heir demanded grabbing the young blonde by the forearm as he allowed his anger to get the best of him. "All I ask is for you to stop ignoring me."

Naruto stared at Sasuke blankly. Since day one all he'd done was run around piecing together parts of Sasuke's life. He wasn't used to people keeping secrets or being deceitful. He just wanted someone who would be honest with him and most importantly faithful. Sasuke had lied on several occasions and no explanation in the world could make up for that fact. He knew the raven had issues with letting people in, he just didn't know it was this sever.

"Look at me, I'm sorry. I'm trying to tell you the truth." Sasuke whispered.

Naruto shook his head. He never had to worry about anyone else growing up, he always had to look out for himself, this was just another instance of 'protecting Naruto'. If he let Sasuke hurt him now, who's to say when it would end. "It's over." He said averting his gaze from the ravens. Naruto hoped Sasuke would turn and leave cause if he stayed, he might change his mind.

"Naruto, let me make it up to you." Sasuke pleaded as he hovered above Naruto with his left arm planted firmly on the wall.

"People are starting to stare..." Naruto warned.

"I don't care." Sasuke stated as he nuzzled into the warmth of Naruto's neck. Sasuke inhaled his blondes sweet aroma. "I want to be with you."

"You lied Sasuke. Every day and every night." Naruto teared up.

"I just want one chance to apologize..." Sasuke said softly.

"That doesn't change anything that happened."

"But I stopped, Naruto. I stopped seeing him." The raven explained.

Naruto turned his head.

Sasuke looked him right in the eyes. "I'm sorry Naruto. I realize I messed up. I've never felt this way about another person before-" Sasuke began to pour his heart out.

"Don't-" Naruto cautioned feeling warmth spread throughout his body.

"I love you." Sasuke confessed.

Naruto's eyes widened but no words escaped his mouth.

This was the 2nd time Sasuke had told Naruto this. Sasuke never thought he'd say that to anyone in a million years; to say it twice was mind blowing. Given the first time was during sex, they never spoke about it. This time though, Sasuke had a clear mind and an open heart. He really did love Naruto. No one else was ever worth it but this kid was special. Naruto was speechless before him. He took that as a good thing. He was being sincere as he opened his soul in ways he never thought possible. Slipping his hand into the blonde's he squeezed. He'd been yearning to kiss Naruto ever since their fall out. It'd been almost a week since he touched his mate and now he was admitting to him that he was ready to love.

Naruto turned his head. He bit his bottom lip till it hurt. He felt the air shortening in his chest as he struggled with his next set of words. He had waited all his life to hear someone say that they loved him, and Sasuke was for a 2nd time admitting it. He should have been happy but not under these circumstances. "It's too late." He mouthed while shaking his head. The words were so heavy they felt like bricks. Naruto didn't want to be loved out of lust or out of regret for being caught, he wanted to be loved just because.

"Naruto-" Sasuke started as he gripped the boy before him with both hands.

"I believe he asked to be left alone." Neji interjected drawing Sasuke's attention. He knew something was up when he went to get drinks and returned to empty seats. He immediately rushed off to find Naruto.

"Fuck off." Sasuke warned brushing off the intruder.

"Go the other way Sasuke." Neji stood his ground.

"Neji it's ok." Naruto said trying to move to the boy but was stopped as Sasuke raised an arm before him.

"I'm warning you..." Sasuke seethed as he approached Neji himself. He realized this was his plan from the beginning. Befriend Naruto behind his back and then move in for the kill when their relationship was at a weak point.

"Sasuke stop!" Naruto called from behind as he gripped the ravens arm.

"This is what you wanted right?" The raven asked Neji as a crowd drew.

"Naruto..." Kiba said under his breath as he approached the spectacle.

"He doesn't want to be bothered so I suggest you move along." Neji stated with a arrogant smirk.

"Don't cause a scene Sasuke." Naruto urged as he looked around the gym.

Sakura and Ten-ten tried pushing their way to the front line but the area was jammed with kids.

"Is that Naruto?" Sakura inquired thinking this picture was highly irregular.

Sasuke drew back and threw a hard right at the obstacle that separated him from reconciling with his lover. Neji, however had other plans, he wasn't backing down to Sasuke, not now or ever. Grabbing a solid fist and pushing it away Neji, extended both palms striking Sasuke directly in his chest. Sasuke let his rage get the best of him as he barreled towards Neji throwing fist at phenomenal speed. Neji moved from side to side managing to divert Sasuke's punches then the raven moved left and planted his foot right in the gut opposed to his. Just as Neji straightened up he raised a forearm to knock away another kick from Sasuke. Both teens reared back ready to reign fists of hatred onto each other only to be stopped by a flash of green.

"I do not know you two very well yet I am sure this is something you would want to rethink." Said a male as he clutched two perfectly aimed fist one in each hand.

"Damn." Shikamaru commented.

"Good job Lee." Gai says walking up to the commotion placing a firm hand on the young mans shoulder.

Lee released both parties.

"Neji-" Naruto said grabbing for his friend.

Sasuke sneered angrily before moving for the door.

"Naruto, are you ok?" Kiba asked coming close.

"I'm fine." Naruto fired off without even looking up.

Kiba felt the coldness in his voice, he figured he deserved it. He bit his tongue. "You ok?" He asked Neji.

"Don't even bother Kiba." Naruto spat as he and Neji walked off in the opposite direction.

Kiba lingered a moment longer till Ten-ten popped by his side.

"Jeez, what the heck was that all about?" She probed.

"Ahhh man, I better go find him." Shikamaru said turning to move. He knew Sasuke was a bomb just waiting to go off and someone needed to calm him down.

"Hey there." A smiling face interrupted his departure.

Shikamaru immediately backed up. "Oi, I-I was just on my way out the door." He said nervously trying to maneuver around his obstruction.

"Don't be silly. The nights still young." Temari said blocking the way.

"No, really, I have to go get my-" He tried to explain.

"Shikamaru, I'll go." Kiba said brushing past. He really wanted to go talk to Naruto but this wasn't the time obviously.

"Sooo Shikamaru, why do you go out of your way to avoid me ALL the time?" Temari pressed while Kankuro stood nearby feeling uncomfortable.

"Uhmmm," Shikamaru began as his cheeks turned rosy.


"Yo, did you see where Sasuke went?" Kiba asked a random kid outside as he busted through the doorway.

"He got in his car and pulled off already." The witness said remembering how the teens tires screeched as he hauled ass out the parking lot.

"Dammit." Kiba said squeezing his fist. Sasuke was the one that started this mess and he was the one that needed to fix it.

"So I was thinking, while we're on break we should get to know each other more. I mean, you do wanna get to know me right?" Temari leaned over in her low cut top.

This was not what Shikamaru needed right now. He had bigger fish to fry. "To be honest-" He began while trying to avoid staring at her boobs.

"Great! Call me tomorrow, you can take me out to lunch." The blond assumed writing down her cell #.

Shikamaru made a face. "Where you're from, are all the girls this pushy?" He asked with a sigh.

He got a smile in response.

Kiba exhaled smoke as he watched Neji and Naruto get in the car and take off.

"Did you catch Sasuke?" Shikamaru asked as he reached the entrance way just in time to see Neji's car pull out.

"No." Kiba said shutting his eyes with a deep inhale as he let the gaseous chemicals fill his lungs slowly causing his chest to burn slightly.

"Great." Shikamaru said folding his arms and leaning against the wall.

Kiba didn't speak. He just focused on his cigarette.

"I see Naruto found his confidante quick eh?" Shikamaru shrugged.

"Neji's a fuckin asshole." Kiba spoke up.

"Hey, Shikamaru, Naruto ok?" Sakura asked coming to the door. She hadn't seen or spoken to him in a week then he finally shows face, is involved in a fight some how, then up and disappears on her again. Ugh, men!

"Naruto's good, Neji was the one fighting Sasuke." Shikamaru commented.

"No, I mean in general. I haven't heard from him all week now this..." She inquired deeper.

Shikamaru's brain made a connection. "He'll be fine." He said reassuring his class mate. It was clear that she had developed a thing for Naruto but too bad for her she didn't know the whole story yet.

Sakura looked from boy to boy wondering what pieces of the puzzle she was missing.

Later that night

Sasuke fell to the ground. Barely climbing to his feet, he used the wall for leverage in an attempt to feel his way back to his car. The world around him was spinning feverishly; just the way he liked it. He'd been at the Dungeon throwing back shots since he left the dance a hour and a half ago. He saw nothing but blurred lights and shadowy figures as he pulled himself up out the gutter once more and struggled along.

"Keys...keysss..." He mumbled while feeling his legs up. "Ahhh!" He cried out as he grabbed onto a pole for support. His arm hurt like hell from the fork he dug into it in the restroom of the pub. He made a make shift bandage from a bunch of moist napkins so he could go back to the bar and finish his drinks without bleeding all over the counter.

Sasuke waited for a second and thought about where it was he put his car in the first place.


He spun around almost toppling over in the process. "Who-who's there?" He asked in a stupor as he moved to a garbage bin to hold himself up right.

The raven scratched his head and rubbed his eyes. He was so wasted. "Dammit..." He hissed as he took a step and dropped to one knee.

He heard foot steps from behind. "Hey! If you're here to rob me...I don't care..." He laughed sitting down on the wet ground. Sasuke looked up and noticed a body standing over top of him. Just then a light mist arose causing him to shield his face with his arm. "Take it all..." He said to the dark figure.

Sasuke blanked in and out as the would be robber put his hands on his body and frisked him for cash. He was so out of it he couldn't even protest. He didn't even want to. What the hell did it matter? He didn't care about money or cars or even his health at that moment. The one thing that did matter, wanted nothing to do with him now. He couldn't even blame Naruto. Sasuke knew he was a horrible person, that's why he deserved the pain he caused to himself. He might as well stay in the gutter and die at this point. Before he could make it to his next thought, he was knocked out cold.

Some where under the stars

"I'm really sorry about this." Naruto said as he gazed out into the moonlit sky as he and Neji sat atop his car in the local park. If Naruto would have thought for one minute that Sasuke would actually show up, he definitely would have went else where.

"Naruto you don't have to apologize for anything. It wasn't your fault. This isn't the first time Sasuke and I have come to blows. And this probably won't be the last time either. I just hope you forgive me for pushing you to go there in the first place."

"No don't worry about that Neji. I mean, I can't avoid Sasuke forever. And anyway thank you for dragging me out the house. Not for nothing, I was really having a good time." Naruto admitted stealing a glance at Neji.

"Sure, as long as you had fun." Neji said with his eyes shut tight.

Naruto gazed at his perfect profile. "So what are you planning to do tomorrow?" He asked looking away.

"Well nothing really. I decided to relax this time during break. Usually I'm studying all my days away preparing for the next semester, but not this time." Neji announced.

"Sweet. Needless to say, I will definitely not be studying." Naruto confirmed.

Neji opened his eyes and turned to Naruto. He felt brave. He had just fought for the boy after all. Why not go for it? "Do you want to do something tomorrow?"

Naruto thought about what else he had planned; lay in the bed and wallow in self-pity? "Yes." He replied simply.

Across town

Sasuke was definitely heavier than he looked. Just getting him out the car, up the stairs and into bed was a serious work-out. He had grown so much since back then when carrying him around was a snap. Intense flashbacks played over an over as the man above the raven pulled at the boy's shoes and socks. He paused for a moment looking away from the familiar mess on the bed. How different would things have been if... He began to wonder. Moving back to the task at hand, he unbuttoned Sasuke's shirt and pulled out his arms. He paused to examine the tissue applied to his arms. Pulling back the wet paper his eyes rested upon precision cuts etched deeply into delicate skin. The older male moved to the bathroom and came back before kneeling at the side of the bed. Dabbing an alcohol dipped rag on the ravenous teen's skin, the stranger leaned back as the body beneath his own shifted.

Sasuke stirred, as if having a bad dream. He slightly cracked his eyes open to check out the burning sensation he was feeling on his snow white skin. Could it be? Was Itachi right there sitting so near to him? Sasuke swallowed hard. He thought he must be way drunker than imagined. Shutting his eyes to stop the nightmare, Sasuke settled back into his drunken slumber.

After applying a large band-aide to his brothers newest laceration, Itachi watched intently as part of him prayed for his sibling to wake up. Exhaling sharply, he placed himself in a chair near the bed and rested his head on his hands. He saw that Sasuke did need him. But he questioned how he would be received.

The dark heir rolled over on to his side and continued his much needed rest oblivious to his surroundings.

Standing slowly, Itachi took one more good look at Sasuke before departing.
Chapter 21 part 1: [link]

*Special thanks to: NukeNin16
She was great enough to allow me to use her work as illustration for this chapter. Make sure to support her, here is a link for her page [link] .

© 2011 - 2024 kzdatgurl
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AnimalAmelia16's avatar
Poor Sasuke... :tears: He has such a sad life... :(